ETCS call station - all in one video
Jul 16, 2020

The most relevant properties of the new ETCS compiled for you: watch the new video about the ETCS call station, for an easy and intelligent operation of the VARIODYN D1 voice alarm system.
Whether in hospitals, shopping malls or airports, the new ETCS offers increased and more convenient functionalities thanks to forward-thinking technology. For example, the call station can read audio files via its USB slot and offers local data storage for up to 27 hours of speech or audio. Voice messages can be recorded, saved and played. For employees, the ETCS means less training efforts. It is easy to use for everyone, amongst others because it can be operated intuitively via its big 7“ touch screen, just like a smart phone. Favorites can be arranged user-specific on the start screen, so that the mostly used functions are available at the first glance. And last but not least the ETCS offers maximum failure safety thanks to the redundant cable connection to the Ethernet network, powered by PoE (Power over Ethernet) devices through the Ethernet cable. Thus, the system is monitored permanently via the network. Fault indications are recognized and signaled immediately
We are looking forward to consulting you on your individual ETCS case – contact us.